Styling, direction, casting, set design.
Photography- Carissa Wong
Styling & art direction
Excerpts from 40 page self-published zine
Photography- Helen Yang
Photography Ali Salkini
Photography Ali Salkini
Photography Ali Salkini
Winter in Texas 2024
Photo, video, styling
Styling / Costume Design
Photography- Andi Xie
Art Direction- Carissa Wong
Styling, photogrammetry, and blender animation
Physical styling which was then 3D scanned and transferred to Blender software to create animated environments surrounding the model
Styling, set design, casting, direction
Photography- Megan Blue
Styling, set design, casting, direction
Photography- Megan Blue
Tintype photography @silver.sinners
Tintype photography @silver.sinners
Tintype photography @silver.sinners
Story regarding migratory struggle, and success in the U.S.
Styling, casting
Photography Carissa Wong
Original image ran through Stable Diffusion
Original image ran through Stable Diffusion
Styling people who live in house-boats on Regent's Canal in London with their own objects
Photography- Hyejeong Lee
Art Direction- Eunice Hu
Styling and direction
Photography Andi Xie
Styling and props.
Photography Réka Götz